I don’t know about you, but when it’s cold, and snowy, nothing makes it better than looking forward to those amazingly warm summer days. And when I think I think of summer, I can’t help but think of CAMP. Some of my best summer memories come from Camp Big Canoe, and I’m sure many of you feel the same way. So lets make this long winter feel a little warmer by sharing our favourite stories right here, together.
Do you remember your all time favourite camp meal? Or that trip that was just one for the history books? Or the counselor who really had an impact on you when it mattered? We’d love to read about it! Maybe you just want to tell us about your favourite camp activity, or something that your unit did together during free that was silly, crazy, and just made everything better. Or maybe how camp has continued to have an impact on who you are today. Contact us! Send us an email or message us on Facebook and we’ll put your stories up here for the world to see!
If you’re on twitter tweet your story link to your friends to see! Hashtag the camp website, and don’t forget to include #Bigcanoe #Keepingthespiritalive #thepaddler and #whatsyourstory
We hope to have some up for your viewing pleasure soon, and we honestly can’t wait to hear yours!