Camping at Big Canoe is an experience like no other
Camp Big Canoe is truly a special place where generations of campers have gotten to be themselves and met lifelong friends!
Taking full advantage of our beautiful site, the Camp Big Canoe program is designed to build confidence, improve relationships, build empathy, and have fun. We want campers to experience the Spirit of Camp Big Canoe and then Keep It Alive Throughout the Year. Whether it is in crafts or in a canoe, the Spirit of Camp Big Canoe is in everything we do.
Our 6-, 7- and 12-day sessions give campers the opportunity to camp with friends in an overnight capacity. Campers sleep in sturdy wood-platformed canvas tents that complete the sense of being close with nature.
Camp Big Canoe practices Unit Camping. This is the philosophy that as a group we camp together, we live together, and we play together. Throughout most of the day, campers will spend program time traveling as a unit with their counsellor, visiting the different program areas. Each unit consists of six to seven campers of similar age. In the afternoons, campers are then given an opportunity to discover more personal interests and can sign-up for Streams and Individual Interests.