In PeeWee Camp and our 6-, 7- and 12-day Sessions, campers are organized into Units of usually 6 campers, with a staff counsellor and resource buddy assigned to each unit. For 4 activity sessions each day, each unit picks where they want to go as a group. Campers also get to individually pick their activities for Individual Interest, Streams and Free Time. Take a look at our regular daily schedule for more on what to expect in each day.
In our 12-day Sessions, each camper gets to go on an off-site overnight camping trip. For younger campers, this is a single night close to our main camp site. Trips then progress as campers get older from a 1- or 2-night canoe trip further afield.
Here’s a sample of the activity options campers have:
- Water Activities: Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking and Stand-Up Paddleboarding
- Land Activities: Rediscovery, Sports & Games and Low Ropes
- Arts Activities: Arts & Crafts and Music & Drama
- Out-Tripping: 1-, 2- and 7- Night Canoe Trips
- Camp Wide Programs: Campfire, Cheesehouse, Special Day, Evening Program and Banquet