Camp Big Canoe has been around a long time! In fact, in 2017 we are going to be celebrating 50 years at the Hart Lake site. And while we strive to make each summer better than the last, there is no doubt the memories, stories, and friendships created over those 50 summers will last a lifetime. Do you have a story you’d be willing to share? If you do, we’d love to read it and share with our Big Canoe family….just like this one from Merle Mitchell.
Thanks for sharing Merle.
I was a Camper as part of the Family Camp Weekend back in 1978.
It was one of the most exciting, unforgettable experiences of my life. Two of my children, my 3 year old son and 12 year old daughter and her friend and myself did some of the most wonderful activities. The one we still talk about the most was bog swimming. The girls ducked their heads under all that stuff and came up with a hair full of twigs and goo then marched back to camp to show off the muck. There was a tug-of -war over a huge puddle which the girls took part in and my 3 year old peed in – much to my disgust!! My daughter and I painted a picture of the lake shore line. She swam the whole of the lake in a contest with others. We were so awed by the moonlight canoe ride with all the other families to the middle of the lake where we held each others boats together and just paused to enjoy the serenity. Now at 80 years old, I look back on that happy time and would love to experience it all over again.
Anytime Merle. Anytime. Or at the very least at next summer’s Open House on July 2nd to help ring in 50 years! Hope to see you again – just no peeing in the puddles please! 🙂