by Brian Bailkowski – Camper 1995-1998; Staff – 1999 & 2000
When I think about my time at Camp Big Canoe, no single memory stands out more than others.
I immediately get memories flooding in about experiences like:
- looking for your name in the craft shack
- swimming the lake swim to Turtle Rock
- camping with the juniors at Lost Lake
- walking to the general store for candy
- playing all-camp games in the evenings
- riding the bus after a long skills group canoe trip
- paddling the French River
- travelling to ‘town’ during staff night off (even if the movie choice was Blair Witch)
- making sandwiches for the bus ride with Mr Mike Smith
- listening to the guitar tunes of Mr Steve Salt and Mr Chris Tindal
- learning I won’t drown when rolling my kayak
- getting to sleep in a cabin when I became a tripper
- eating GORP
- learning archery in the archery pit
- the long warm shower in the elephants after a long out trip
- running to the waterfront when the horn went off
- eating meals without utensils
- we love you Cornelius
- Polar Bear/Voyageur
and spending time with great people who I still think about today.
1 Comment
Mike Smith · June 15, 2017 at 7:50 am
Let’s make sandwiches again eh?