Simply the most fun you will ever have
earning a high school credit
Information Video about Outdoor Skills & LIT programs
Available for our campers turning 15 and 16, Camp Big Canoe is proud to offer two programs authorized to grant credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) . In both our Outdoor Skills and Leaders-in-Training (LIT) programs, campers spend 24 days immersed in a separate and unique program where upon successful completion they will receive one credit towards their OSSD.
Most of our staff are past campers at Camp Big Canoe. Progressing through the Outdoor Skills and Leader in Training programs provide skills that are valuable in attaining a staff position. Whether or not your camper wants to become a Camp Big Canoe staff member, these transferable leadership skills are valuable in becoming an excellent leader in any community.
Camp Big Canoe
Outdoor Skills (Grade 10, Healthy Active Living PAD20 – Physical and Health Education)
We are proud to offer the Outdoor Skills program as a Grade 10 Physical Education High School Course. These campers, known affectionately around camp as “Skills”, must be turning 15 years old in the calendar year. They spend 2 sessions or 24 days at camp, the first 12 of which are spent in preparation for the eight-day out-trip that will occur in their second session. To prepare for this trip, the Skills are taught the “hard skills” such fire building, canoeing, swimming, and other relevant survival skills. As well, the first session also focuses on team building and community responsibility as they will be spending eight days in the wilderness with only each other to depend on for safety, entertainment, and fun.
To be able to couple this enriching and rewarding experience with a high school credit is something we are very proud of and something we believe better prepares these teenagers to be proactive, positive contributors to our world.
Camp Big Canoe
Leaders-in-Training (LIT) (Grade 11, Leaders in Training GPP30 – Leadership and Peer Support)
We are proud to offer the Leader-in-Training program as a Grade 11 Leadership High School Course. These campers, known throughout camp at LITs, must be turning 16 years old in the calendar year, and spend two sessions (24 days) at Camp Big Canoe. This is a comprehensive leadership program that prepares participants to take a leadership role within any organization. The LITs will spend time learning about effective communication, team building, and conflict resolution strategies. They will come to understand the benefits of cooperation, organization, and planning when it comes to setting goals and achieving them as either an individual or group.
As part of the program, the LITs take on more responsibility around camp. The first 12 days is often spent together in discussion and preparation for taking on a larger role in their second session. In the second 12 days, LITs will be assigned to a camper unit or program area where they will assist the staff members in creating the Camp Big Canoe Spirit experience. Successful completion of this program not only means a high school credit, but leads to greater confidence and self-awareness.